Grace McClain

May She Bloom

Grace McClain

To May Engelstad, “BLOOM” is both noun and verb, a state of being and an action. As a holistically minded & Ayurvedic guided postpartum doula, May has crafted an amazing line of body care products to help the postpartum mother heal while also embracing her new self. May is based out of Denver, CO and in addition to these ultra-relaxing body care products she also offers in home postpartum doula services as well as Ayurvedic postpartum meal deliveries.

You can find the following May She Bloom products at our refill bar:

Magnesi-Mum Bath Body & Foot Soak

A unique blend of pure Magnesium flakes and Dead Sea Salt granules, this soak is deeply healing and relaxing. Postpartum mamas are often deficient in magnesium which can lead to sleeplessness and anxiety. This bath soak helps replenish those stores and leave mama feeling relaxed and content. Lightly infused with lavender, ylang ylang and frankincense essential oils.

Use: Ideally, 1-2 handfuls is used... or around 1 cup per bath.

Ingredients: Organic Epsom salt granules, Organic Magnesium flakes, Signature essential oil blend using Lavender, Ylang Ylang and Frankincense.

Herbal Sitz Bath

Comfrey reduces inflammation and encourages new skin cell growth, Rose is emotionally healing for those with heavy hearts and large emotional experiences, Calendula promotes hydration and the production of collagen, Lavender is naturally anti-microbial and supports the prevention of infection and Epsom salt cleanses and restores pH.

Use: Bring 2 cups of water to boil. Once boiling, remove from heat and add 1 cup (2 ounces) of sitz mix and allow to steep for about 10-12 minutes. Using a fine mesh strainer, get rid of material and place the resulting "tea" into sitz basin. Adjust temperature by adding a bit of cooler water if needed. Ideal temp should feel warm to the touch when using elbow, not hand. Ideally the tea is warm, but never hot when soaking.

Ingredients: Organic dried Comfrey leaf, Organic dried Rose Petals, Organic dried Calendula, Organic dried Lavender, Organic Epsom salt.

Aura Spray

A room and linen spray that can be used for both mama and baby when nerves need a little love. Scented with our signature blend of lavender, frankincense and ylang ylang. Lavender to calm, Ylang Ylang to comfort and Frankincense to ground. All three are wonderful for both mama and baby in those early days together.

Use: Spray onto sheets, swaddles or in the surrounding air, this therapeutic spray is perfect to keep next to mama's bedside or in the nursery.

Ingredients: Distilled Water, Organic Essential Oil Blend of Lavender, Ylang Ylang and Frankincense.

Check out May She Bloom’s website here.

Grace has never been into the status quo, and loves to think outside of the bag. She has a passion for ethical and earth friendly apparel and accessories. And is inspired by minimal living and the organization necessary for living joyfully with less.