A Capsule Wardrobe: The Gateway Drug

You have felt this feeling before because it’s becoming ever more common. You are out of the house at Target (read: any store) casually browsing as you have done countless times before, but then you start to think… you are no longer aimlessly shopping and enjoying your stroll from aisle to aisle but instead catching yourself realizing that if you buy whatever beauty or home decor item that is currently in your cart you will need to find a place for it at your house which is already full of various beauty products - likely in a similar shade because, we all have a type, or in this case, a palette. Ultimately the reality sets in, that if purchased, this new piece is likely to join an already overpopulated space… So now you are slowly starting to discern between items that are truly a necessity (your definition of which is clearly evolving) and which products you already have at home. It’s a rabbit hole in the most literal Alice in Wonderland sense as you pick up pace scrutinizing over ingredient lists + labels and analyzing every purchase decision… and then carefully curating proper places in your home for new items should they make their way there.

It’s likely that as this continues to happen at various stores like Target or the mall until you stop going altogether, which is quite honestly, the most high-inducing freedom you can experience. Like Alice you have now truly stumbled upon a new magical land filled with all of the benefits that less stuff/ less time shopping for or organizing or cleaning that stuff will bring. And like the white rabbit (correct reference?) you are hooked, constantly focused on more white space, whether it be in your bedroom, kitchen, storage space, and so on. This is now plain and simple, a part of your DNA, you are addicted to minimalism.

Well that was fun! But its not over yet… Think of all of the other things you can now be doing with your time that used to be spent at stores… not to mention all of that mullah that you accidentally save! Have you noticed the unintended savings yet??Read that again please,  minimalism just in its nature of helping you maintain a more hygge-insprired home has a nice side-benefit of saving you money!!! 

And so the gateway looks like this….

—> Capsule wardrobe

—> clean beautiful closet where everything feels + looks great

—> a junkie’s pursuit to a capsule home / aka minimalism

—> less time spent in stores collecting unnecessary items

—> more time doing whatever else your little soul desires (might we suggest pursuing your passion?)

—>  countless amounts of hard earned cash saved!

—> oh, and you’re part of the solution to the horrendous environmental crisis by avoiding over consumption!! 

Who wouldn’t want to be addicted to this lifestyle?!?!

Ready to dive in but don’t know where to start? We are here for you!

Grace has never been into the status quo, and loves to think outside of the bag. She has a passion for ethical and earth friendly apparel and accessories. And is inspired by minimal living and the organization necessary for living joyfully with less.