going zero waste

The Struggle that is "Going" Zero Waste

That is just it, we are “going”… and quite frankly I don’t think we will ever truly “get” there! Don’t get me wrong, I am an internal optimist but I am also a realist and I don’t like to set myself up for failure. And to be honest, sometimes life just happens, shit happens and well, you miss the mark. For example, my partner and I have been “going” zero waste for a few years now and we are so far from a mason jar of trash per year but we have made some huge steps for our lifestyle. I am both proud and yet constantly feeling like a failure… if you feel me, here are some heart felt reminders for when you feel stuck on this shared epic journey:

The Struggle that is "Going" Zero Waste

A Capsule Wardrobe: The Gateway Drug

A Capsule Wardrobe is the gateway drug to conscious consumption and a minimalist lifestyle. Once you begin to feel the positive, mood boosting, anti-clutter affects of a cleaner/ lighter closet, there is no doubt that you will need that kind of high throughout the rest of your life. And like a proper junkie with that first taste, you are a minimalist! Because being and becoming a minimalist are one and the same, just like building your capsule wardrobe was, it is a process, not an overnight transformation. 

A Capsule Wardrobe: The Gateway Drug