
A Ted Talk on turning Climate Anxiety into Action: from a psychologist

Looking for a little pick me up when it comes to your eco-anxiety, have a look at this Ted Talk. Phycologist Renee Lertzman gets to the root of our issue and humanizes it for us.

A Ted Talk on turning Climate Anxiety into Action: from a psychologist

Nesting the hygge | HABIT way

Tips on how to buy only the most eco-friendly + ethically made baby essentials while nesting. Nesting is nothing new, both animals and humans have been doing it since the beginning of time. But read on for the most eco-ethical way to go about this in your home & nursery.

Laundry Hack: not everything needs a machine cycle every time

Did you know that not everything needs a machine wash or dry cycle every time? Instead of throwing it all in the machine consider these alternatives:

The biggest hack to keeping your home & closet clutter free

News Flash: while this might seem a bit counter intuitive, it’s true that the biggest organization hack starts when you are out of your home. Living in the capitalist economy that we do, you are subject to sales & marketing wherever you go. Whether this includes free samples or intentional shopping trips, you have to stay on your game to avoid bringing unwanted clutter back home.

Self Care this Holiday Season & Adopting the Swedish art of Lagom

We prefer to relish in the hygge traditions and focus on curating cozy moments and memories that are void of the traditional holiday decor clutter, opting for simplicity over chaos and sharing home made meals instead of swapping gifts. If you are feeling like the traditional madness, from shopping and over indulging in food, has run its course, we have some hygge habits to try instead this holiday season. 

Consumer Conscious

As humans, we tend to consume many items throughout our days. Being intentional or conscious about our consumer habits combines a consideration of the people and planet in addition to the price and product qualities before we consume something.

Consumer Conscious

Our Real Thoughts on Marie Kondo and her Netflix Series

Of course, we love Marie Kondo and the KonMarie method of only keeping stuff that sparks joy. That is the foundation of minimalism and we inherently knew this feeling of satisfaction, long before Marie Kondo named it and wrote the book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, back in 2014. It is life changing- we truly believe that taking control of your stuff and space is what frees you up to go on and live your best, most productive life. However there is a dark side of downsizing if done without the consideration of how all that stuff got into your home in the first place and avoiding the truth of where it goes after you are done with it.

Our Real Thoughts on Marie Kondo and her Netflix Series

Deep Thoughts about Shopping

This was my life for so long. Until I finally realized that running this “one” errand never ended with me purchasing just one item but rather getting to the store -likely finding what I need but not without grabbing a bunch of other, in the moment, seemingly important items. And now, years later I am finally having what I lovingly refer to as “Deep Thoughts” about just how one shops.

Deep Thoughts about Shopping

A Capsule Wardrobe: The Gateway Drug

A Capsule Wardrobe is the gateway drug to conscious consumption and a minimalist lifestyle. Once you begin to feel the positive, mood boosting, anti-clutter affects of a cleaner/ lighter closet, there is no doubt that you will need that kind of high throughout the rest of your life. And like a proper junkie with that first taste, you are a minimalist! Because being and becoming a minimalist are one and the same, just like building your capsule wardrobe was, it is a process, not an overnight transformation. 

A Capsule Wardrobe: The Gateway Drug