Deep Thoughts about Shopping

Picture this; you’re running around, possibly like a chicken with your head cut off, trying to accomplish an ever growing list of to-do’s when you suddenly remember that you need some sort of product found at a number of stores. Said product is absolutely necessary for you to complete whatever task you are involved with: making a meal, finishing a project, preparing for an event, packing for upcoming travel, etc, etc, etc.

Your first impulse is likely “great, I’ll go to X store and swoop up said item and be on with it”. Not only will you now have the necessary item but you will get the rush of accomplishment from checking at least one thing off the endless list. Win win, right?

This was my life for so long. Until I finally realized that running this “one” errand never ended with me purchasing just one item but rather getting to the store -likely finding what I need but not without grabbing a bunch of other, in the moment, seemingly important items. And now, years later I am finally having what I lovingly refer to as “Deep Thoughts” about just how one shops.

To join me down this rabbit hole of one’s relationship with shopping & buying, I have prepared a list of questions to ask yourself. I hope this helps to reconsider and reframe your shopping habits so that you might avoid potentially over buying and/or buying unnecessary single use plastic.

To me, shopping falls into a few different categories which involve different circumstances and thus questions to ask.

Running Errands:

  1. How do you prepare to run errands?

  2. Do you pack reusable bags? What about the reusable produce or bulk baggies?

  3. Do you make a list?

  4. Do you plan to batch your stops or go to one store at a time based on needs?

  5. While in the store(s), do you shop each aisle or stick to your list?

Shopping as a Hobby:

  1. Do you shop for fun? As in recreationally with friends?

  2. Do you go looking for something in mind? Let’s say a missing piece to a capsule wardrobe?

  3. How do you decide where to go? Do you research certain stores ahead of time?

  4. Do you prefer to shop small local boutiques? Or chain boutiques/ department stores?

Impulse Buying/ Retail Therapy:

  1. Do you catch yourself impulse buying?

  2. Have you thought about why? Clever packaging? Random feelings of insecurity?

  3. Do you follow any label/ ingredient checking process?

  4. Do you have favorite store(s) for shopping when you know you need an emotional fix?

  5. Do you buy just to buy or because you really love/ need it?

We would love to know your answers to these questions. Let us know your deep thoughts in the comments below!

Grace has never been into the status quo, and loves to think outside of the bag. She has a passion for ethical and earth friendly apparel and accessories. And is inspired by minimal living and the organization necessary for living joyfully with less.