Laundry Hack: not everything needs a machine cycle every time

Did you know that not everything needs a machine wash or dry cycle every time? Instead of throwing it all in the machine consider these alternatives:

  • Freeze for sanitization- if your items such as denim or delicates i.e. silk/ cashmere aren’t stained consider freezing them to sanitize them. This not only preserves the longevity of the material but saves water & electricity + eliminates odors.

  • Consider spot treating a certain area(s) by hand washing instead of washing the entire garment.

  • Wash less often - do you really need to wash all items as frequently or could you supplement with above mentioned methods throughout?

  • Change the temp settings to cold water or even tap cold instead of the standard setting, this avoids heating water unnecessarily.

  • Hang dry versus tumble dry. Did you knowing that drying something under the sun helps eliminates stains as well?

  • Swap your dryer sheets for dryer balls to reduce staticness and add drops of your favorite essential oils to enhance the aroma of your laundry.

Did you know when you buy conventional liquid Detergent, most commonly packaged in single - use plastic packaging, leading to micro-plastic pollution, you are also paying for the added water and the additional resources used to transport liquid. Consider these liquid detergent alternatives:

  • Switch to powered detergent sold in cardboard boxes, these still have a plastic liner around the powder but are a better option in the long run.

  • Refill your own container with powered laundry detergent from an establishment like Homefill Co. See our blog on the refill revolution for more sources for refillable detergents.

Did you know that 2/3rds of the environmental impact of fashion happens at the consumer level, once the garment is in your care. Micro-plastic leaching into the water supply and Dry Cleaning are two of the most toxic & dangerous processes to both yourself and the environment. To avoid these harmful practices, consider:

  • Buying items that have been made to avoid dry cleaning - dry cleaning is one of the worst in terms of a negative environmental impact because it involves the use of harsh chemicals.

  • For items that still need to be dry cleaned, switch to an eco-friendly cleaner. It will lessen this impact slightly.

  • Wear each item more between dry cleaning.

  • Consider the Freezer sanitation method mentioned above as an alternative.

  • Use a micro-plastic catcher such as the Cora Ball or The Wash Bag by Girlfriend Collective in the wash with your athletic wear.

  • You can also attach a micro-fiber filter to your washing machine to catch micro-plastics before they pollute the water ways.

Not only will these hacks help keep the planet a little greener by cutting down on carbon emissions but you also will save some cash by cutting down on electricity, water, and dry cleaning charges.

Grace has never been into the status quo, and loves to think outside of the bag. She has a passion for ethical and earth friendly apparel and accessories. And is inspired by minimal living and the organization necessary for living joyfully with less.